

Covering the cultural waterfront, from Tolstoy to Toy Story.
Forever burgeoning, never quite burgeoned.
Out, but not down.

We are always looking for contributors.


What is Oomska? Oomska is a new, UK-based online arts and pop culture magazine. The intention was to create an online magazine which would publish the sort of thing you might expect to find in the Review section of your newspaper; or in Granta, Time Out, or Sight and Sound; or on sites such as popmatters, salon, pitchfork, or slate; or in some of the British music magazines as they used to be, before they either folded or turned into comics.

If you’re reading this, then maybe you’re the sort of person who reads the sort of publications listed above, and sometimes thinks they could write just like that, given half the chance. You might even be a chronic media addict who has been chomping at the bit for years and would jump at the chance to get into print. If your dream employer would be The Guardian or the BBC, this website might just suffice until you get a better offer.

Although, when we say ‘offer’, we’d better be crystal clear: there’s no financial incentive being alluded to here. We happy breed who’ll be providing the content for the magazine will be doing it for the love of it (or maybe for the free review copies), with no hope of raking in any cash.

Oomska aims to be the sort of publication that the sort of people who write for oomska would like to read. We reckon there must be many thousands of people like us, people who are passionate about art, books, films, music, culture, and media, people who would like to be doing something with that passion, but who haven’t yet been given an easily accessible outlet. People, in other words, who would like to read, and write for, a publication like Oomska. Please! Prove us right.

There’s no bullshit editorial policy to pussyfoot around, there’s no constraint on subject matter, and no feature or review is too long, too short, or too opinionated.

If you would like to contribute, in any way(s), please get in touch. And/or, if you know someone you think should be reading this, get them to get in touch.

Oomska welcomes all comments, suggestions, and quality contributions.







Legal Gubbins

All photos and images used in good faith, under the ‘fair usage’ principle.

The copyright of all content resides with the content’s creator. All oomska’s contributors retain all rights to their contributions.